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Symposium Schedule | June 2024


The thumb and the trunk:

Experimental and observational insights into non-human primates and elephants' death awarenesss

Hybrid Event -- Time-zone [JST]


Silent antenna, rustling feather:

Lessons from the lab to the field, from insect thanatosis to avian thanatology

09:00 - 09:15 - INTRO & REGISTRATION


Keynote Talk:

09:20 - Are non-human animals likely to have a

          concept of death?

           Susan Carey, Harvard University*


10:05 - 12:05 - SESSION 1: Perceptive Primates

Chair: André Gonçalves


10:05 - Suicide is Panless: Why Chimpanzees

          Never Kill Themselves

          James Anderson, Kyoto University

10:45 - Prospective Studies of Primates' Responses

          to Death

          Alecia Carter, University College London

11:25 - How Chimpanzees Perceive Death-stimuli

          André Gonçalves, Kyoto University



12:05 - 13:30: Lunch Break



13:30 - 14:25 - SESSION 2: Lightning Talks*

Chair: Sarv Dashti


14:30 - 16:50 - SESSION 3: Elusive Elephants-Equids

Chair: Alecia Carter


14:30 - Equid Responses to Bones and Carcasses

          Leanne Proops, University of Portsmouth

15:10 - Dead Calf Carrying in Asian Elephants

          Sanjeeta S. Pokharel, Kyoto University

15:50 - Sexual Dimorphisms in Behavioural Responses 

          to a Poached Conspecific in Forest Elephants

         Claudia Stephan, Friedrich-Alexander University*

16:20 - The Curious Case of Elephant Burials

          Nachiketha Sharma, Kyoto University


*Online Talk

09:00 - 09:15 - INTRO & REGISTRATION


Keynote Talk:

09:20 - Animal Grief: Perspectives from

          Anthropology and  Activism

          Barbara J. King, William & Mary*


10:05 - 12:30 - SESSION 4: Imperative Invertebrates

                         Chair: Sanjeeta Pokharel


10:05 - The Thanatosis of Beetles

          Takahisa Myatake, Okayama University

10:45 - From cannibalism to burial: corpse management 

          in termite societies

          Qian Sun, Louisiana St. University*



11:25 - 12:25 - SESSION 5: Lightning Talks*

Chair: Nahoko Tokuyama



12:25 - 13:30: Lunch Break



13:30 - 14:30 - SESSION 6: Brilliant Birds

Chair: Nachiketha Sharma


13:30 - Death as an indicator of risk in the Scrub Jay

            Teresa Iglesias, Okinawa Inst. Sci. Tech.

14:10 - The Understanding of Irreversible

            Non-functionality in Goffin's Cockatoos

            Antonio Osuna-Mascaró, Vetmeduni*


14:50 - 16:20 - WORKSHOP


14:50 - What could future thanatology look like?

          Alecia Carter, University College London





13:30 - A Case of Maternal Cannibalism in Macaca


          Yu Kagaishi, Kyoto University

13:42 - Responses to the Corpse in Wild Stump-tailed

          Macaques in Thailand

          Aru Toyoda, Japan Monkey Centre

13:54 - Reaction to Dead Conspecific by E. Mapgies

         Olha Brezghunova, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv

         National Pedagogical University*

14:06 - Response of Irrawady Dolphins to a dead


         Amy Jones, Environmental Research Institute*








11:25 - Do People Believe Non-human Animals Grieve?

         Heather King, Rice University*

11:47 - A Concept of Death in Genus Pan: Implications

          for Human Evolution

          Katherine H. McLean, University of Auckland*

11:59 - Exploring Japanese Children's Knowledge of


         Aoi Miyagawa, Kyoto University

12:11 - Chimpanzees' Behavioural Reactions to

         Putrescine: A Chemical Cue of Death

         Hanling Yeow, Max Planck Institute for

         Evolutionary Anthropology



*Online Talk

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